Star wars emperor images
Star wars emperor images

star wars emperor images

“If you’re not with me, then you’re my enemy,” …Anakin (soon to become villain Darth Vader) tells former mentor Obi-Wan Kenobi… The line echoes Mr. With thunderous applause,” bemoans Padme Amidala…as the galactic Senate cheers dictator-in-waiting Palpatine…while he announces a crusade against the Jedi. A 2005 CBS News article about Revenge of the Sith discussed audience comparisons: The relationship between Palpatine and his young protege Anakin Skywalker was not written as a political satire as the space opera has always simply painted its story in terms of “dark and light.” Yet viewers nonetheless read it as one. The conclusion of the trilogy, Revenge of the Sith, was released in 2005 at the beginning of Bush’s second term and the Iraq War. Attack of the Clones came out a little over six months after the September 11 World Trade Center Attacks. The Phantom Menace debuted about a year before Bush v. Almost by virtue of the era they lived in, the prequels are inherently political. The fact that Palpatine started out as a simple politician–Senator Palpatine–is a notion that resonated deeply as the prequels loomed throughout the Bush era. Yes, the prequels often suffer from a bit of heavy-handed retconning, but they also give a fascinating insight into how the greatest sith lord of all time came to be.

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  • star wars emperor images

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  • Star wars emperor images